Monday, June 18, 2012

Transformers Fall of Cybertron E3 Trailer

In only a few weeks, over half a million people have seen this trailer, and it was a pleasure to be a part of. I have been living and breathing Transformers and it has been great. The team of artists really created something special.

Here are a few stills of my comps: (screenshots from the trailer posted by playstation)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Nike’s ”FlyKnit/Biomorph” Wins the Best Visual Effects 2012 AICP Award!

Nike’s ”FlyKnit/Biomorph” Winner of the Visual Effects Category @ the 2012 AICP Awards.

The winners (including Nike Knit) are included in the permanent video collection at MOMA in NY!

 It was also a Top Ten Finalist on AICP’s Shortlist for Design category. Nike’s “FlyKnit/Biomorph” has been featured on Shoot Magazine’s Spring Top 10.
Nike "Biomorph/FlyKnit" from Aladino Debert on Vimeo.